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Significance of the Model Minority Myth and the Abolition movement demonstrated through the events of Executive Order 9066

My goal is to demonstrate our need for abolition through addressing the racism and expectations of minority groups, specifically Asian Americans in relation to Executive Order 9066. My map takes the viewer through different steps that occurred as a result of poor government decisions. Abolition is important because people have an expectation that if they ask the government for stricter laws or more help that it will do something. The sad truth is that the result of government help will only hurt minority communities more because our entire system is built to support white supremacy. The model minority myth and our penal system are ways in which white supremacy has been allowed to continue flourishing in the US. Minority groups have been ignored and are typically stuck in lower income communities without substantial government aid. The model minority myth promotes an expectation that all Asian people are smarter and more advanced than other people. While it hides in flattery, it is used to neglect the needs of Asian Americans. “Asian American” accounts for a large group of people containing many subgroups, and while some people in this group may be thriving, even more people are allowed to slip through the cracks and be ignored by their government. Taxes that could be used to help these communities with social programs for young students or struggling families are instead used for military and police funding. A system that has historically been used against minorities. Black people, Native Americans and Asian people have been historically used for unpaid labor and have been forced to relocate by our government and our penal system only perpetuates this behavior. Instead of military action against our own people, we need programs that can heal and nourish. Minority communities are left to struggle and are incarcerated at a ridiculous rate where they are then forced to live in horrible conditions and work for a couple cents an hour so that they have no chance of going anywhere in life. We have continued the cycle of slavery and racism but it is hidden in our “justice” system. This is why it needs to be completely restructured so that it can serve the people and allow for real rehabilitation for those who need it. My map takes on a perspective of Executive Order 9066 that attempts to bring out the true root cause of what happened. The government stages this action as an overreaction to a terrorist threat, but it goes much deeper than that. What happened in these camps was part of a larger pattern of relocation, unpaid labor and neglect that is driven by the white supremacy our country was built on. My map serves to show where the power really lies.

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Ren Bennett

Ren Bennett (they/them) is a painter and sculptor based in Pasadena, California. Their work combines form studies and surrealism to create colorful yet unsettling dreamscapes. Their work can be found on instagram @laurensmonsters. They are currently studying Fine Art at the ArtCenter College of Design.

2023 © ArtCenter College of Design: Never Again 9066

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